The Hill

In May of 1992 we arrived in Lansing KS from Kaiserslautern Germany and purchased the house on Bambi Ct. Living in small military apartments for the pass three years we were excited to search for a house with a yard. I had wanted a house that people wouldn’t be directly living behind us. We had […]
1990-92 Versus 2020

This year of 2020 reminds me, somewhat, of our lives in Germany. There were trips planned, freedoms lost, missed times with husbands, wives, children and friends. We were locked down to a small area. Picking food up from restaurants was not a possibility because there were none in our little American community. We had our […]
On the Move

After a year in Wurzburg we moved to Darmstadt and when I say we it was the Rotchfords, the Lancaster and us. We immediately checked in with the Girl Scout Neighborhood chairman to see what positions she had open. Pauline moved up to a Junior Girl Scout troop, where Kristie and Maria were placed. Meanwhile […]
Being a Volunteer

When we moved to Wuerzburg Germany in 1981, after nine months at Ft Bliss for the Officer’s Advance Course, I had never volunteered. I had not thought about volunteering and did not have an interested in doing work for no pay. Then Lupe and I volunteered to help with Kristie and Maria’s Girl Scout Brownie […]
Enjoying the Back Porch

We are enjoying the back porch while it snows. It is not decorated for Christmas as much this year, just haven’t gotten things out. Maybe it is in the back of our mind that we leave on the 10th of January on an eleven day cruise. Whatever we get out will just have to be […]
A Busy Week

The week started off with a Christmas program at Sam’s school. This first picture was taken at the first concert of the year. This concert was the 7th grade band, 8th grade strings and the choir. Each performed three songs and all did the final song. All were wonderful but we thought Sam’s did the […]
Fifty Years Later

50 years ago on December 1, 1969, Steve huddled around the TV in his dorm at Western Kentucky University as the first draft lottery since 1942 got under way. He had just turned 21 three days before and was in his junior year. Within minutes, the relative peace he enjoyed as a college student shattered […]
A Mix of Holidays

On Wednesday, the 27th, the kids were here to celebrated Steve’s 71st birthday with cake and presents. Since Derek had to work, birthday cake was sent home for him to enjoy later. On Thursday, while the Shetlar’s visited with his family, we cooked food for Friday. Papa peeled 10 lbs of potatoes; Steve did some […]
New Play Toy

Last winter we started talking about changing up the living room by getting a new TV and doing away with the cabinet that surrounded the TV plus all the “stuff” over the cabinet. It was just talk, just couldn’t make that commitment at that time. Finally a couple of weeks ago, Steve started checking the […]
A Little Wine, Lots of Pumpkins, Paints and Fun Times

It was the Saturday before Halloween and time for our annual pumpkin painting. Chili, veggies, cheeses, crackers, grapes and Winking Owl Wine, from Aldi, with a side of chocolate twinkies were enjoyed before the painting started. It was time to get the pumpkins and paints out, but a bottle of wine was almost empty. Dee […]