Let Me Out Of Here

It was moving day and Miss Tobie, our grandcat, was not sure she liked her new home. At the new apartment, we placed her in the cloth kennel so she wouldn’t run out the door as the moving truck was unloaded. A few years before this, she had fallen asleep in the window, the screen […]
He’s Back

Our dragon-fly is coming back every day now. It’s interesting to watch him and Steve feels as if he was communicating with him. Steve would move his eyes and the dragon-fly would move his. Steve would move his head and the dragon-fly did the same. Katy came over and the dragon-fly landed on her finger […]
Christmas Morning Video of Our Tree
There is music with this video, be sure to have your sound turned up.
Dagwood and Daisy
This is Dagwood and Daisy playing. While we were visiting, they would play three or four times a day. They were so much fun to watch. Daisy is the one making most of the noise and is the smaller of the two.
Little Miss Riley
This is Riley, our grand-niece is about seven months old now. While we were attending her brother’s birthday party, Steve was busy entertaining her and at one point she even drifted off to sleep as he was trying to teach her some new sounds. You have to turn up your volume to hear the noises […]
Cameron Turns Three

Our grand-nephew turned three recently. The party was held at a park and it was a wonderful afternoon to be outside. The kids enjoyed the park and the adults enjoyed chatting under the shelter. There were balloons, poppers and of course cake and ice cream. Amy decorated the Spider Man cake, really cool, and she […]
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Everyone has been posting their videos of their ice bucket experience so here is Steve and Rick’s. Rick’s son Chris Dodson had challenged them. The pool water was 89 degrees, outside heat index was 105 so the ice water felt good. Additional benefit was that the pool got some cold water added!
TBT Kisses & High Fives Video

This video was made on November 26, 2008. We had just finished dinner and were recording Samantha doing some of her sign language she was learning at day care. By pointing down she was wanting to get down from the table and patting her stomach she was saying please. She then was encouraged to interact […]
Boogie Boarding at Waimanalo Bay Beach Park
Always looking for the perfect waves to ride in, the guys enjoyed boogie boarding.
Momsters Dance
Kristie performed at Samantha’s Dance recital and did a great job. When she lost her hat she never missed a bet. We were impressed ….. she didn’t know she had lost it until the dance was over.