For Father’s day the kids gave Steve flight time at the IFLY in Kansas City. IFLY is an indoor skydiving facility that simulates the sense of free fall conditions in a vertical wind tunnel. The flight chamber has fans at the top that push the air down two tunnels on each side of the chamber. The air is then pushed back up into the flight chamber giving a smooth column of air that is used to fly. This is the top of the chamber where the fans are located. The pictures aren’t too clear but all considered (glass and speed) it was the best we could get.
This is the bottom of the chamber where the air is returned.
This is the controller of the air speed in the chamber. The instructor and the controller communicate with hand signals during the flight.
This is the clock so the instructor knows how much longer the flight is. When the 10 second count down starts there are flashing light so the instructor is aware that time is almost up.
Steve was given a block of instruction after putting on his flight suit, boots and googles. It was nice that he was the only one scheduled for his time. We had watched other flyers who had up to eight people in their group.
 He entered the chamber and the flight started.
At the end of his time, the instructor took him to the top of the chambers