The Black Sheep Inn and Spa is a 1859 historic Octagon house in Hammondsport, NY. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the T.M. Younglove Octagon House. The house is a two-story, Italianate stucco covered stone building consisting of the main octagon shape, constructed in 1859, and two, rectangular wings added to the North and East faces of the eight-sided structure in 1882.

2014 05 16 New York The Black Sheep Inn House with Sign

2014 05 16 New York The Black Sheep Inn House (4)

2014 05 16 New York The Black Sheep Inn House (15)

2014 05 16 New York The Black Sheep Inn House (16)

2014 05 16 New York The Black Sheep Inn House (17)


