After church, a great brunch at the Officer’s Club and an overlook of the Marine Base it was time for a swim at the beach 900 feet from the Kelly’s home. The North Beach, also listed on some GPS as Officer’s Beach, is located along the windward side of Oahu, accessible only through Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base. This rugged beach located next to housing and the base golf course, proves that there is more than just one type of beach in Hawaii. Unlike the tropical white sands of other beaches, North Beach’s appeal is its rugged shores with lava shelves that pool with water as waves pound the shoreline. This is really not a beach for snorkeling or swimming, but the guys did try. North Beach is a beach for marveling at Mother Nature’s ferocity as waves crash and the ocean breeze picks up. This is the beach that you want to stroll along, and be reminded of just how powerful the ocean really can be.

2013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach going to the beach (2)2013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach Arrival Group 22013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach Steve Fred Getting Ready 32013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach Steve Getting Out2013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach Steve Getting Out (9)2013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach Steve (24)2013 10 27 Hawaii Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Beach Steve (25)


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