The week started off with a Christmas program at Sam’s school. This first picture was taken at the first concert of the year.

This concert was the 7th grade band, 8th grade strings and the choir. Each performed three songs and all did the final song. All were wonderful but we thought Sam’s did the best!!

This is the whole band. The school has a great music program.

On Friday we attended Sam’s competitive showcase. This is the dance group she travels with and is in addition to her regular dance classes. Can you find her in this group? A very talented group of kids, who put in a lot of work to make their performance perfect. Their production number was outstanding, hoping they win a lot of awards this year!

Saturday morning Sprint hosted “Cookies with Santa.” They had lots of Christmas decorated donuts, cookies, hot chocolate, apple cider, coffee and tea. There were stations set up for decorating cookies and coloring pages. Steve entertained Austen as we make up to go boxes of the goodies.

When it was time to have pictures with Santa, I walked over to take my a picture. The photographer made the comment, “No one ever wants to take a picture of me.” So I did.

For the kid who smiles all the time, he would not smile for any of the photos.

But when he got back with Papa he was all smiles.

Afterwards, we went shopping at Hobby Lobby.

Sunday was Sam’s regular dance class program. We had our tickets was ready to go then the weather got to bad for us to get out. We hated missing it but on advice from Kristie we stayed home.
Did you find Sam in the showcase photo? If not she is on the right hand side, just above the last little girl in pink on the front row and next to the blonde boy.