Hi there! You have come into my backyard, where I do random post, sometimes about nothing other times it might be a serious thought about life and just random thoughts about nothing. Since I’m not much of a writer, the post are mostly photos. It’s funny that in my teenage years I took photos a lot. While a young adult, there weren’t so many photos. When digital photos entered our lives I started taking pictures again. Now I have well over 15,000 of them on my computer.

These pictures are the stories of my life, of being a daughter, military wife, mother and Nana. I have been married to my husband for 49 years. The post are mostly of our home, travels and about our lives as a military family, retired couple, some very close friends and a great neighborhood, who enjoy spending time together.

So grab a drink, get comfortable and enjoy (hopefully) the pictures and thoughts of my world.

2003 10 12 Kerrick Hill Wedding Park Phyllis & Steve

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