It was the Saturday before Halloween and time for our annual pumpkin painting. Chili, veggies, cheeses, crackers, grapes and Winking Owl Wine, from Aldi, with a side of chocolate twinkies were enjoyed before the painting started.
It was time to get the pumpkins and paints out, but a bottle of wine was almost empty. Dee got very serious about getting the last drop out of the bottle.
Derek decided he was going to do his pumpkin the old fashion way and started removing the seeds.
Sam wanted to get started right away and took to opening the paints. Note Steve and Steve sitting in the background.
As Sam started with her paints, Derek started his carving.
Kristie finally gets to start on her pumpkin after doing some photography.
I wanted to paint something that would carry to Thanksgiving. Looking at this picture now, it looks like the top I am wearing would match the purple I had put in my hair the next week. Yep, the dark side looks like my hair, not all over just an accent.
Austen had his own pumpkin and was very entertained with all the paints. Dad gave him a few seeds from his pumpkin.
The stem of the pumpkin was a good way to move it around.
Mom decided to tickle the pumpkins painter.
Time for a clean up crew for mom and son.
Meanwhile, Sam and Nana continued to work on their art work.
Holan checking on Sam’s painting. She was checking out her phone while the paint dried before the next step in her design.
The painted dried and the artist went back to work.
Papa, a clean Austen and Dee came in to check out the works in progress.
This is Derek’s creation, I would never be able to carve like this without cutting into the pumpkin.
These are the other finished pumpkins. We spent so much time eating that we ran out of painting time. Plain pumpkins are good to put out also!