A professional Demonstration

The Special Effects Show was presented by the best stunt performers in sounds, sights and illusions. They fool the cameras to create moments in our favorite films. People were pulled from the audience for the zero-gravity space travel and to produce sound effect. Through professional demonstrations we were shown how they set a person on […]

Odds and Ends

At the Universal’s Animal Actors show, we saw exotic birds, dogs, cats, pigs and other special animals that have been featured in some of Hollywood’s biggest productions. As our tram passed by the infamous Bates Motel from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, Norman Bates came out carrying one of his mom’s victims. The Shrek 4-D attraction was […]

Gourmet Lunch

We arrived at Jardin de Paris, the VIP dining room, for our gourmet lunch prepared by Universal’s very own executive chef. The food selection and quality was outstanding!  We had New York Roasted Sirloin, Penne Alfredo with shrimp, Chicken Marsala, Salmon and lots of other things. The food and the atmosphere was so well done, […]

A Red Haired Character

There are always characters throughout the park. Our encounter with a character was while we were having our lunch. Lucy Ricardo, from the 1950s classic TV comedy “I Love Lucy,” came into the café visiting with each table. It was amazing how her character looked and acted just like the real life red-headed comedian. She […]

Pick a Set of Wheels

This is a display of “picture cars” lined up along Greens Road. The cars are rotated in and out so you never know what crs will be on display. Back to The Future Fast & Furious Jurassic World Magnum P.I. The Flintstones Transformers

Too Much Water

Our tram paused next to a winding street running through a Mexican village. We had a demonstration of movie “rain” effect involving rain bars which direct a spray of water upwards which then falls looking like rain. Then there was a thunderstorm using powerful strobe lighting and thunder sound effects. Then they said the rain won’t […]

A Lot of Shaking Going On

As the Studio Tour tram enters Stage 50, the only split level soundstage in the world, all seems quiet as the crew are on a lunch break. Then the ground starts shaking… The attraction then starts to simulates a large earthquake, rated at 8.3 on the Richter scale. The tram started to shake, the pipes […]

Outstanding Achievement and Visual Effects

As our tram entered the King Kong 360 3-D attraction, we were surround by two curved screens, each measuring a massive 187 feet wide by 40 feet high, equal to 16 movie theater screens. We were caught in the middle of a struggle between a 35 foot T-Rex and the 8th wonder of the world, […]

Let Me Help You With That

Our next stop was the “lightweight” prop section. These were items that are heavy in real life but in the movie world they are very light and easy to pick up. It was fun picking these items up and playing with them.

Let’s Go Shopping

As we approached the entrance of the Edith Head building, several trucks were backed up to the dock loading props. We entered the building and was amazed at all the things before us. We were looking at Universal’s prop collection, the largest in the industry, containing over 1 million items, stored on four floors. Every […]