I was checking out some groups on Facebook the other night and found a group called know you’re from Madisonville if . . . People have posted over 300 photos of events, people and buildings. This photo a great find because it shows the Kerrick’s Fashion Mart (left side). Steve”s parents and uncle owned this store in the 1940. Before moving to 668 Suthard Drive the Kerrick”s lived over the store. Steve use to go the Cameo Theatre across the street. It cost him 25 cents for the movie, 10 for the popcorn and 5 cents for a drink. Double click on the photo to enlarge it.
This is Hopkins County Hospital, where Steve (1948) and I (1950) were born.
On Sept 12, 1958 four black students entered Pride Ave. Elementary School accompanied by two Kentucky State Policemen. The police moved back the crowd of women from the school”s drive so the students could be driven to the front door. I was a student in the second grade at Pride Ave that day.
Today’s Abundance