It all started out by Rick asking Steve if he would do the Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Steve said sure, so he sent in his paper work and reserved airplane tickets for March to El Paso.

Registration Includes: T-shirt, Dog tag, Certificate, Commemorative timing chip, Sports bag, Finishers meal, Awesome stories to tell, Blisters, Some wind burn and tan. Bragging rights you finished the toughest march ever!

2015 03 22 Bataan Memorial Death March Poster

2015 03 20 Bataan Memorial Death March NM

This first picture is of a schedule Steve found online to follow when training for the Bataan March. He started his training and walked 455.2 miles preparing for and including the Bataan March.

2015 03 19 Bataan Final training schedule

These are the walking records kept during his training. He kept track of the temperature at the time of his walks because the march starts out early morning when it is very cool and ends with summer like temperatures. March participates had 12 hours to complete the course so Steve needed to track his walking time. The steps were kept up for the fun of knowing how many steps he did. Of course, the miles were needed to build up to the 26.2 miles.

2015 03 19 Bataan Walking Record 1 2015 03 19 Bataan Walking Record 2 2015 03 19 Bataan Walking Record 3 2015 03 19 Bataan Walking Record 4

