It is finally a sunny semi-warm (54) day here in Kansas. We have had more snow than usual, as has most of the country. It’s funny how the sun can uplift your spirits, the clouds can bring you down and watching snow fall can be so peaceful.
That is if you’re not in a car trying to get to Kentucky and the snow is piling up fast!
This was I-64 December 2004. A seven and one half hour drive took us 14 1/2 hours to get to my Dad’s house. With 24 inches of snow covering the ground and streets, we don’t know how we managed to do it. We had to guess where the road was, to be pulled out of two ditches and at times to hang our heads out of the windows. The wind shield wipers couldn’t keep up with the snow fall.
In 1996 Holan and I went to Kentucky for Spring Break. Madisonville got an unexpected spring snow storm. It was a very wet heavy snow and so pretty. Dad, Holan and I left the apartment to have breakfast at Jerry’s on Center Street. Afterwards, we drove around and Holan took pictures of trees and barns. Before heading home we had to visit the Days Inn’s parking lot to do a few donuts.
This was Dad’s favorite thing to do when it snowed. We would go round and round in circles sliding every which way. When I was young it was fun but as I got older not so much. Dad always enjoyed these little things in life . . . maybe we could learn from him.
Getting back up the drive at Elk Creek Apartments wasn’t easy. There were several abandoned cars on the drive. It was just too slick to make it up the hill. Dad went straight off into the grass digging the truck into the ground. After several tries he managed to bring the truck to a stop at the top of the hill. Good thing he owned the apartment complex!
As for me when it snows, I like a cup of hot chocolate topped with whip cream, a heater, a blanket and a rocker on the back porch. Let the snow begin. It’s the little things that we should enjoy.