We watched as the crew as they lowered the life boats down to tender us to the shore. We picked up tender tickets and was off to Kailua-Kona was the first royal capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

There were historical landmarks within walking distance of the pier including a Heiau (temple), the first Christian church in Hawaii and a summer palace. A painter was doing a landscape of these in the distance.

The water was so clear you could see the bottom with many rocks. Back from Hattie’s we stopped in at Splashers Grill for drinks and apps, before heading back to the tenders.

Out in the bay the Atlantis Submarine, a 48 passenger submarine, was docked. The sub was featured in National Geographic television specials.

We hopped on a shuttle to Hilo Hattie’s, the store of Hawaii. They carry a wide selection of Hawaii attire. We wore are purchases to dinner that night.

There was an island out in the bay and we never did find out it’s function.

We really enjoyed the “Oh What a Night” show, a foursome that did two tribute shows based on Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. The four guys who impersonated Frankie Valli’s group were superb, singing many memorable songs from this classic pop group. The range of the voices of two of their singers was incredible, from lows to Frankie’s falsetto highs. Not only were their voices outstanding but they all the dance moves down to a perfection. We had seen “Jersey Boys,” the Broadway play, in New York and thought the performance on the ship almost met the quality of the Broadway show. This first picture is from the Oh What a Night website describing the show. Often we remember the group but can’t remember the songs, this picture helps as a reminding of the great songs The Four Seasons recorded.