Samantha made us a menu sign for our 4th of July Lunch. It helped people to see what was on the buffet as they were waiting in line. She really enjoys doing crafts and making posters. Maybe she will go into marketing or graphic arts when she gets older.
When the conversation started on having this 4th of July weekend, my first thought was we don’t have enough room on the pool deck for all these people, plus food. I thought it would be nice to have a table attached to the back of the fence and to have tables setup in that area for eating. One afternoon Steve and Rick went wood shopping, pulled out the electric saw and by the end of the day we had a very nice place to put our food. The tables fold nicely up to the fence when not in use and hang by chains and for extra support there are legs that fold down. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. . . . they did an excellent job!
Steve (S.) and Lonnie cooked some great burgers and hotdogs for the group of 22 adults and 11 kids. Alex, who has been here for the last several 4th gatherings, was not here and we missed not seeing him. We had lots of good food contributed by many different people. Our special treat this year was homemade apple and peach cobbler made by Bob. He cooked them in his cast iron dutch oven by placing charcoal below and on top of the pot. The peach was my favorite but that is just because I love peach cobbler.
Rick and Rumi provided five Dairy Queen Cakes for dessert. Each one was decorated in a different red, white, and blue theme and were vanilla and chocolate ice cream. In May, at CASA Night at the Races, Rick bid on a year of DQ ice cream cakes and won the bid. They were great letting him have five months at one time.