This is a pin oak tree located next to the pool. We have talked
for about three years that we should paint in the eyes and
mouth that appears on the trunk. We finally got out the paint
and ladder to do it and I realized this wasn’t going to be MY
project. I couldn’t reach that high even with the
ladder. So it became Steve’s project under my direction.
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Of course, we both had different ideas of what to do so
we sort of met in the middle. Steve started painting the eyes
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Then he added the blue center.
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Then he started with the eye lashes.
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Here are the eyes finished.
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Steve then added lips, nose and laugh lines. He really did a great
job on the painting, it looks much better than I had pictured it
in my mind!
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Now we are working on what to do to her next. We are now thinking
she needs a hair bow, braids, hat or something. We talked about
decorating her for the holidays….I know we must not have enough
things to do! It has taken us three years to get her painted, it may
take another three to decorate her.

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