On Thursday morning the guys left the hotel at 5:30 to stake out a place for us to watch the parade. They found a very nice area at the barricades among trees and small shrubs with a small fence marking off the area. Red and green Christmas ribbon was quickly put out to mark off “our” spot. Around 6:30 the guys requested the extra blankets (stored in heavy plastic) from the hotel rooms, for cushions to sit on, and coffee. Holan place two of them in a mesh bag and we covered them with Phyllis’ dress. We thought the hotel might not let her out the front door with them. She made it past the desk and parade security and was back quickly, but she didn’t bring back the bag. So the third blanket “wore” Dee’s coat down the street to 6th Avenue between 37th and 34th Streets. We were in the area known as a “quiet zone.” where parade participants prepare for their television moment. Performers stripped off their warm up suits, bands rearranged, and professional performers stood on their floats looking bored and ready to go. Just a block and half down are the TV cameras and reviewing stands, so if the participants were too loud the noise might be picked up by the TV broadcast.

We met Dave, his mom and daughter, a very nice family, from Syracuse, NY. They helped us climb over the small fence where Steve and Fred had picked for us to view the parade. Dave made a trip to McDonald’s and shared the coffee. The conversation helped move time along while we waited for the first signs of the parade.2015 11 26 New York Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Steve Dee Holan Lupe Phyllis Fred




We had packed sweaters, gloves, scarves, hats and a rain poncho, for cold weather but it was a beautiful brisk sunny morning with temperatures hitting the 50s. The 89th he Emmy Award winning parade was seen by more than 3.5 million people in New York and 50 million at home.

2015 11 26 New York Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Fred Lupe

2015 11 26 New York Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Phyllis

2015 11 26 New York Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Steve

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