Enjoying the Back Porch

We are enjoying the back porch while it snows. It is not decorated for Christmas as much this year, just haven’t gotten things out. Maybe it is in the back of our mind that we leave on the 10th of January on an eleven day cruise. Whatever we get out will just have to be […]
A Busy Week

The week started off with a Christmas program at Sam’s school. This first picture was taken at the first concert of the year. This concert was the 7th grade band, 8th grade strings and the choir. Each performed three songs and all did the final song. All were wonderful but we thought Sam’s did the […]
A Mix of Holidays

On Wednesday, the 27th, the kids were here to celebrated Steve’s 71st birthday with cake and presents. Since Derek had to work, birthday cake was sent home for him to enjoy later. On Thursday, while the Shetlar’s visited with his family, we cooked food for Friday. Papa peeled 10 lbs of potatoes; Steve did some […]
A Little Wine, Lots of Pumpkins, Paints and Fun Times

It was the Saturday before Halloween and time for our annual pumpkin painting. Chili, veggies, cheeses, crackers, grapes and Winking Owl Wine, from Aldi, with a side of chocolate twinkies were enjoyed before the painting started. It was time to get the pumpkins and paints out, but a bottle of wine was almost empty. Dee […]
Happy Thanksgiving

Our day was a day of eating, sharing, playing games and just being together. Mr Booker (a local caterer) did the cooking for us, Mr. Sam (Club) provided the upgraded plastic plates and silverware and everyone jumped in to helped with the clean up. The girls added deviled eggs and desserts to our meal. We […]
A Little Fun In the Cemetery

Helen had dropped off the Leavenworth Time newspapers a couple of days ago. I remembered that there was a story about a son being killed in a car accident and how much he loved Halloween. So every year his parents go to the cemetery and decorate his stone for Halloween. I just knew this was […]
Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead is one of the most iconic Mexican traditions because of the whole ritual around this date. It is a day for remembering and celebrating loved relatives who have passed on. Beautiful altar, decorated with candles, buckets of wild marigolds, mounds of fruits, peanuts, plates of turkey, mole, stacks of tortillas and […]
Afternoon Games

After lunch and before the fireworks, people took turns playing games in the front yard. Mark, from across the court had some neat yard games he brought over. Addisyn and Samantha waiting their turn to play. Mark and Val Windy and Rob Val and Rob Steve and Mark Rogan and Samantha Wendy and Rob Save
This is Pete, he lives across the court from us. Isn’t he cute with his sunglasses!?!?
Window Tourism

Window tourism is, after all, is a time-honored New York holiday tradition. According to NYC & Company, the city’s destination marketing organization, 30 percent of last years total visitation took place in the fourth quarter of the year; more than in any other season; typically five million visitors come to the city between Thanksgiving and […]